

The Power of 24 Great Days

At WhatsFun.com, we believe that you can significantly boost the course of your family, your career, and your life by adding fun, meaningful experiences at least twice a month.

  • How much closer would you and your kids be if you could dedicate 24 days a year to having fun together?
  • How much stronger would your relationships with friends become after 24 interesting shared experiences?
  • Where would your career go if you learned something new or connected with colleagues in new ways 24 times a year?
  • Who would you become with 24 opportunities to experience something new?

We all have so many commitments – work, school, chores, obligations. It’s easy for time to slip away before we have a chance to fully engage with family, friends and even ourselves.  We’re dedicated to making it easier to connect with those you care about and Carpe #@&*! Diem™!

Here’s a short video that sums up our mission.

So What is WhatsFun.com?

WhatsFun.com is an online community and ecommerce platform for tech-savvy moms who want to have a lot more fun! We help busy mom’s seize more fun and excitement in life by curating ideas for fun, often tech-influenced projects, interesting activities, learning opportunities, travel, lifestyle design, nifty gadgets, and healthy living for modern families.

The WhatsFun.com Store offers an array of downloadable plans, informative guides, and project kits related to our content.

Our founder and editor is Katherine Chalmers.

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